Bull St,
Geotechnical consultancy, coal mining risk assessment, ground gas risk assessment, verification of remediation strategy
Housing Association
80No. new homes and mine stabilisation works
About The Project
This large site presented a number of geo-technical challenges. Arena Geo was brought into the scheme pre-purchase to undertake due diligence and identified a number of ground-related risks including the potential for shallow mine-workings.
We undertook a coal mining risk assessment and helped procure the stabilisation works. During the proof drilling and grouting, two unrecorded mine shafts were encountered. These were stabilised and capped with the site layout adjusted to provide suitable stand-off distances. A coal mining completion report was also undertaken.
The change in ground conditions across the site meant that foundations varied from rafts, piles and traditional. Arena Geo also undertook a magnetometer survey down rotary boreholes to prove the depths of dead man anchors at an adjacent sheet pile retaining wall.
On the contaminated land side, we undertook a ground gas risk assessment across the site and verified the remediation strategy.
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Company Info
Arena Geo
Company Registration No. 11530269
VAT Registration No. 420 6511 38
Contact Us
Tel: 01564 772313
Mob: 07879 432421